Executive Team Lead

Title:    Team Lead – Executive Team

Purpose:          Ensure that the health of the congregation is maintained 

EXECUTIVE TEAM - The role of the Executive Team is to ensure that the health of the congregation is maintained by working together as a cohesive and connected team with the responsibility for the general oversight and decisions of the administration and functions of St. Luke’s. The team strives to provide holistic perspective, endorse the framework of activities and approve certain programmatic directions. Regarding church operations, it shall initiate planning, validate objectives, encourage adoption of goals and receive reports, and ministry of the church. The Executive Team is responsible for maintaining the overall fiscal and spiritual course of the church. It is composed of leaders from Trustees, Finance, Staff-Parish Relations, Missions, Equipping Ministry, Lay Leadership and Pastoral Staff.

Responsible to: The Lead Minister of Community Life and St. Luke’s Community

Description of Duties:

Time Requirements:

Term:  Three years

Training and Resources:  From previous leader and Sr. Pastor

Skills and gifts:

Benefits to one serving in this role: 

Completed by/date: updated 9/17 RP